Eliminating blackheads to regain a baby's skin is possible. Natural ingredients, dermatological or other treatments, the solutions are multiple. However, your choice must take several factors into account. Discover the main causes of blackheads and the different ways to remove them.
The causes of blackheads
Small but recalcitrant, blackheads generally invade the nose, forehead and chin, the T-zone of the face. The keratinocytes, i.e. sebum and dead cells, do not desquamate properly. This leads to the obstruction of the hair canal, resulting in the formation of blackheads.
Several factors promote the appearance of blackheads:
- Hormonal changes;
- Use of cosmetics containing comedogenic ingredients;
- Poor skin hygiene;
- Skin quality...
Also known as open comedones, blackheads are mostly found on oily and combination skin. These skin types are easy to recognize. They have dilated pores and develop an excess of sebum.
Natural tips to eliminate blackheads
Here are a few natural tips that can help you have clean, soft skin, away from those unsightly blemishes.
- DIY patches
To make homemade patches, you will need 1 tablespoon of milk and 2 cut gelatine leaves. Heat this mixture in the microwave for 15 seconds until the gelatine melts and blends into the milk. Use a brush to apply the mixture to the areas of the face to be treated. Allow to dry and peel off when dry.
- Toothbrush
Get a soft, supple toothbrush to avoid further damage to the skin. Soak it in lemon juice. Using a circular motion, gently scrub blackheads with the toothbrush. Repeat, but this time use clear water instead of lemon juice.
- Sage
Sage inhalation is also effective in eliminating blackheads. To do this, infuse 5 sage leaves in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Sit above the bowl with a towel on your head. Once the water is lukewarm, gently remove the blackheads with your fingers.
- The tomato
Take some tomato slices and put them on your face. Ideally, they should completely cover your face, especially the sensitive areas such as the nose and forehead. Leave on for about 20 minutes. Rinse your face with lukewarm water and wipe it off with a clean towel, patting gently. When wiping, avoid rubbing your skin.
- Egg white
Mix a beaten egg white with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture all over the face, insisting on the T-zone and leave it to work. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Use this mask only in the evening, because lemon and sun do not mix.
- Baking soda
Mix baking soda with lemon juice until you get a thick, creamy paste. Apply this mixture to the areas to be treated and leave to stand. After about 20 minutes, wash your face with cold water.
- Salt
Mix 2 pinches of salt with 2 or 3 drops of olive oil. Use this mixture to gently massage the part of the face invaded by blackheads. Then rinse with cold water.
Use this treatment once a week at most.
- Green clay
This solution is mainly aimed at limiting the secretion of sebum, which is one of the main causes of blackheads.
Mix a teaspoon of green clay with a teaspoon of natural yoghurt and a few drops of lemon. When you get a smooth paste, add 2 drops of lemon essential oil. Apply this mixture to the areas of the face invaded by blackheads. Let it rest for a maximum of 20 minutes. Finally, rinse with cold water.
- The potato
Clean a potato and cut it into slices. Use the slices to gently rub open blackhead areas. Rinse the face with warm water.
You can repeat the operation every day until the blackheads have completely disappeared.
Dermatological treatments
Dermatologists generally offer dermatological treatments for acne-prone skin with blackheads. They use the same treatment to solve both skin problems.
- Dermatological cleansing
It is a deep cleansing of the facial skin. The dermatologist uses different techniques, depending on the case. He or she may use various products and tools, such as glycolic acid, a mini scalpel and a blackhead remover.
- The fractional CO2 laser
This technique aims to reduce pore dilation and gradually remove blackheads. Its practice generates unpleasant sensations that can be attenuated with a jet of cold air or anesthesia.
- The D-Glow laser
This treatment consists of combining the microbiological current with ultrasound. It does not only eliminate blackheads, it also acts effectively against various skin problems.